Drooping, sagging skin around the eyes is a result of a handful of factors, including age, genetics, stress, environmental factors, and gravity. And, as we age, it’s not uncommon to see the delicate skin around our eyes stretch and sag as our body’s natural production of elastin and collagen begins to decrease. The muscles around the eyes also begin to weaken and are no longer able to support the extra tissue.
Eyelid surgery at Dr. Guy Facial Plastic Surgery in The Woodlands, TX, is a minimally invasive, practical procedure that can take years off of your appearance—and so much more! Here are several benefits of having eyelid surgery done with double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. W. Marshall Guy.
Lift Upper Lids
Excess skin on the upper eyelids can be one of the first areas to show signs of aging because of how delicate the skin is. As the skin begins to fold onto the top lid, it can obscure the original shape and contour of the eyelid. The skin can even sag low enough to spill over the upper lash line, obstructing your vision. Surgery on the upper eyelids aims to remove or rearrange any extra skin, fat deposits, and muscles that are weighing down your eyelid. Dr. Guy will make a small incision across or near the crease of your eyelid to ensure scarring is as limited as possible.
Smooth Lower Lids
Undereye bags, wrinkles, and dark circles aren’t just results of an inadequate night of rest. These symptoms are also due to a lack of collagen and muscle support and can become a permanent trait of your eye’s appearance and even cause uncomfortable dryness.
Like an upper eyelid procedure, lower eyelid surgery removes loose, sagging skin tissue or fat from the lower lid. The result is the elimination of bags, tightened fine lines, and the elimination of wrinkles found around the eyes. Dr. Guy uses a small incision along the lower lid, typically where the lower eyelid creases to prevent visible scarring. Depending on your needs, Dr. Guy may trim excess skin, remove or rearrange excess fat to help restore a more youthful appearance.
Improved Vision
Not only do droopy eyelids make us appear older, but they can also affect our vision. While most health insurances rarely cover cosmetic procedures, you may be eligible for coverage if your eyelids are interfering with your vision and impairing their full function. You’ll need to schedule a consultation with your optometrist to test if the skin folds are becoming an obstacle. If they are, your insurance may cover a portion of the cost.
Restored Confidence
Our eyes not only serve to help us see the world, but they also help us to connect with those around us and convey our emotions. If the appearance of your eyelids interferes with how you feel about yourself or interact with others, an eyelid lift can help restore your confidence in the way you look.
Eyelid Surgery in the Woodlands, TX
If you’re tired of looking tired and would like to bring some life back into your eyes, your search could be over with eyelid surgery at Dr. Guy Facial Plastic Surgery. Contact us by filling out an online form, or call us today at (832) 956-1040. We’ll find a solution that works for you and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.