Educational Videos
In order to help our patients better understand our procedures and surgeries, Dr. Guy has created this series of informational videos. These are not meant to represent medical advice as that can only be provided through an in person evaluation. Rather, these are designed to make you a better informed consumer.
Face Lift
Have you ever contemplated receiving a face lift? Learn what signs of aging a face lift can combat, and the basics about how it is performed.
Neck Lift
What is a neck lift? Can it be performed alone? Will it address the bands in the neck? Will it address the fatty tissue there? What can I expect? Learn these answers and more in this video!
Brow Lift
Do you have a heavy eyebrow? Are they pushing your eyes down making your eyes look heavy and tired. Learn about all of the different approaches and what they can do to rejuvenate your upper face!
Ready to rejuvenate those tired eyes? Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery involves the rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelids. In this video learn about the different types of eyelid surgery and what it can accomplish.
You have heard of Botox, but what does it actually do? What benefits can you expect and when? All of this and more is answered in this video.
What do fillers accomplish? How are they different from Botox? Are you a good candidate for them. Find out about the different hyaluronic acid or HA based fillers in this video.
What is a rhinoplasty? Who is a candidate for a rhinoplasty? What does into the evaluation to determine what should be done with the nose to make it fit your face. Watch the video to find out!
Why do some people have prominent ears? What can be done about them? When is the best age to have surgery? Learn this and more in the video.
Neck Liposuction
Do you have a double chin? Find out about the gold standard treatment for removing it in this video.
Fat Transfer
What is fat transfer? Is it the same as liposuction? What does it do? Find out in this video.
Lip Augmentation
Have you ever wanted to improve the size or shape of your lips? What about helping restore a more youthful lip? Watch this video to learn about the surgical and nonsurgical options for lip augmentation.
Cheek Implants
Have you ever wondered if there is a permanent option for cheek enhancement? Dr. Guy, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, explains how cheek augmentation may be the right option for you.
Earlobe Repair
Have your earlobes become stretched or pulled all the way through? At Guy Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Guy offers treatment options for earlobe repair. Find out more about how this treatment can benefit you.
Gauge Repair
If you have worn gauges for a long period of time, then you may have a large space where the gauge once was. If you no longer wear gauges, this often looks unusual – fortunately we can repair this.
Mole Removal
In this video, Dr. Guy talks about ways to remove various skin lesions including moles, cysts, and bumps.
Scar Revision
Do you have a scar? Would you like it to look better? Learn about the various options in this video.