Are you dodging being featured in pictures or constantly trying to hide your neck because of the fullness under your chin? Has it continued to persist despite improving your diet and exercise habits? A double chin—called submental adiposity—can result from genetics, loose skin from weight loss or pregnancy, or weight gain. It is a common concern among individuals of all ages and can be treated with non-surgical and surgical treatments. However, before you pursue a chin fat reduction, you must understand your options, consider your schedule, and visualize your ideal results.
At Dr. Guy Facial Plastic Surgery in The Woodlands, TX, Dr. W. Marshall Guy specializes in both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures for double chin reduction. His non-surgical treatments include Kybella®, an injectable solution that helps the body naturally break down fat cells, and his surgical option is neck liposuction. Continue reading to learn more about your options for treating stubborn neck fat in The Woodlands, TX.
What Is Neck Fat, and How Does It Form?
Neck fat, scientifically called submental adiposity, is the accumulation of fat cells underneath the chin, along the jaw, or around the neck. As with all types of excess fat, the best initial treatment is to change your diet and exercise. However, fat in the chin and neck can be incredibly stubborn and resilient even when someone is at their fittest. This is because the cause of excess neck fat goes beyond just weight gain.
Submental fat can form because of:
- Genetics and predispositions
- Age-related skin laxity
- Excess weight
- Some forms of medication or recreational drug use
- Posture
How Can You Treat Stubborn Neck Fat?
The most common methods of eliminating stubborn neck fat include both surgical and non-surgical solutions.
Our non-surgical options include diet and exercise, but when that doesn’t seem to work, Kybella® injections are an excellent next step. Kybella® is an injectable solution that, when placed in the neck and chin area, begins to break down fat cells and allows them to be flushed naturally from the body over time.
Our surgical options include neck liposuction, which involves small incisions in well-concealed locations along the chin and jaw where a thin cannula can extract unwanted fat cells.
What Is Neck Liposuction, and How Does It Work?
Neck liposuction, or submental liposuction, is ideal for patients looking for a one-time treatment to remove neck fat permanently and quickly. Depending on Dr. Guy’s recommendations and your comfort, it can be performed under local anesthesia. Once the skin is numb, Dr. Guy will make a small incision in a hidden skin crease beneath the chin. The skin is then separated from the fat, and a suction device is used strategically to remove the excess fat.
How Does Kybella® Compare to Neck Liposuction?
Kybella® is the first procedure for chin fat reduction that does not require incisions, sutures, or surgery. The process involves an injectable medication that contains deoxycholic acid, a type of acid produced by the body that helps with fat breakdown and absorption during the digestive process. When injected into submental fat, Kybella® destroys fat in the treated area and will help prevent the body from storing more fat in the chin. The body will naturally flush out the dead fat cells, leaving a more sculpted chin, neck, and jawline.
Are There Any Side Effects Associated with Kybella® or Liposuction?
The temporary side effects associated with Kybella® injections include:
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Discomfort
- Burning or redness
- Nodules
- Numbness
As with any surgery, the risks associated with neck liposuction involve:
- Infection at the surgical site
- Blood clots
- Scarring or skin irregularities
- Asymmetry or nerve damage
Which Procedure Offers Quicker Recovery — Kybella® or Liposuction?
While neck liposuction has a relatively quick recovery time of two to four weeks, Kybella® injections offer a recovery time of 48 to 72 hours for bruising and swelling to subside. Patients should be able to see the neck liposuction results after the one-week mark. As for Kybella®, many patients require two to three treatment sessions to experience their desired results, but some patients report natural-looking results after just one session.
How Can You Decide Between Kybella® and Liposuction for Neck Fat?
If your goal is to permanently eliminate stubborn neck or chin fat, both surgical and non-surgical options offer exceptional solutions that deliver permanent results for sculpting a youthful, trim jawline. Choosing the right option for you, however, means starting a consultation with a reliable facial plastic surgeon.
Dr. Guy, a double board-certified and fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon, has extensive experience with all types of chin reduction methods and can recommend the right choice for your desired outcome and body.
Additionally, when considering these two options, it’s important to consider these important factors:
- Your schedule. Will your schedule allow you to undergo a neck liposuction procedure, including your recovery time? Or will quick injection sessions fit better into your hectic work and personal life?
- Your financial situation. Surgery can be costly, especially when anesthesia is involved. Consider your financial situation and discuss your budget with Dr. Guy during your consultation to find a solution that works for you.
- The degree of neck fat. If there is a significant amount of neck fat, it can take up to six sessions of Kybella® to achieve your desired results. This may end up costing just as much, if not more, than having neck liposuction, which can remove excess neck fat in a single surgery.
- Results. An important aspect to consider is how quickly you want to see the results of your chin and neck sculpting treatment. Patients who choose liposuction can see their results in as little as one week. Patients who opt for Kybella® may need to wait six to eight weeks to experience full results as deoxycholic acid takes time to break down fat cells.
What Are the Long-Term Outcomes of Neck Fat Reduction Treatments?
Both Kybella® and neck liposuction permanently destroy or remove fat cells, meaning the results can be expected to last for years. However, it’s important to mention that weight gain can still cause the remaining fat cells to expand and upset your results. A healthy diet and exercise routine are imperative for the longevity of your results after your neck fat treatment.
Learn About Stubborn Chin Fat Treatments in The Woodlands, TX!
Double chin treatment options have improved greatly in recent years, with surgical and non-surgical options available to help sculpt a trim, balanced facial profile. To learn more about your options and consult with double fellowship-trained and board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Marshall Guy, contact our office by calling (832) 956-1040 or completing our online consultation form here.